Do This to Discover Your Truth (Beyond the Media)

The secret to drawing your own unobstructed conclusions

Ryan Scott Shannon
4 min readFeb 26, 2022
Photo by Dmitry Ratushny on Unsplash

The following is from my book Journey On.

Growing up in America, I admittedly rarely paid attention to politics. I never used to evaluate the credibility of media sources, and never considered how truth can be perceived — and spun — in different ways. In the United States, much of the information dispersed by media is sensationalistic and based on opinion.

Just turn on CNN or Fox News on your TV. You will rarely hear neutral reports. Instead, emotionally-charged language is used. Guests speak passionately — usually with rage — furthering the division between the two parties of the United States.

Everything from our education system, to what we see on TV when we watch the news is biased. Don't get me wrong — you can make the argument that everything is inherently biased, and there’s no way to be 100% objective. But it seems we now live in a time of “wrongthink” where certain ideas are excluded, certain information is being hidden.

Shadowbanning has surfaced.

In fact, a survey from the Pew Research Center has found that, “roughly three-quarters of U.S. adults say it is very (37%) or somewhat (36%) likely that social…



Ryan Scott Shannon

Digital nomad, I/O psychology student, entrepreneur. Visited nearly 30 countries. Author of 5 books on travel, wellness, mental health.